Davis Fire Update!

It’s been a whirlwind of a week for Project Discovery. Winds and low humidity have created quite the fire scare for the course! Mike went out to put out some hot spots just south of sky on the perimeter and a whole hand crew from Reno Fire came down from the slide road with saws and hose. They are as concerned as I am that any burning logs and stumps could come to life when the wind shifts and come straight to sky. They were super surprised to see me and asked “Where the f$&# did you come from as I was throwing dirt on a flaming log. Told them I was the sole member of the Project Discovery Not Shot crew and that I was “mopping up” to save Skytavern… he laughed and said there 15 more fire fighters behind him. I was so happy to see them up here and laying hose and cutting just may be what saves us in the end. All is ok at the moment but please keep your fingers crossed.

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