Julia came to us on a Washoe County Post-Covid Resiliency Grant. Selecting Julia was one of the best decisions we have ever made. She is a quick study and is never shy about sharing ideas to make the program even…
Recent Groups
Winter Work
Every so often on big snow years the platforms at Project Discovery must be climbed and shoveled off. It is, to say the least, unpleasant as the work is cold and tough. Our Ameri-corp Intern Julia Scheeler rose to the…
Halloween Spooktacular Fundraiser!
Benefiting Forever 14, Black Wall Street, the Skytavern Jr Ski Program and Project Discovery, the First Annual Halloween Spooktacular did not disappoint. Kids and older “kids” all dressed up and brought their best to this family-affair Halloween Fun Party. Musical…
PSIA Ladies Clinic Ski Instructors of Skytavern take to the sky!
Kris Cruse-Elliot and her band of Skytavern Ski Instructors took to the skies recently at Project Discovery. Maridy Carpenter, a Sky instructor herself was the head facilitator and by the looks of things everyone had a great time and learned…
United States Forest Service Fire (California) knocks it out of the park!
Karen Kufka and her USFS fire training managers spent a wonderful day with us last week. They worked hard at addressing their leadership and communication issues and as a result their individual and team performance they improved progressively on each…
BLM Nevada Working Hard to Protect our Resources
Enjoyed a great day of leadership development and team building with Bureau of Land Management Nevada last week. As with all of our BLM Fire retreats we found this government organization driven by continuous quality improvement, high motivation to succeed…
Roy Gomm Elementary: A Superlative Team of Staff and Students!
Roy Gomm 5th Graders returned for their second day of a Leadership and Team Building Program and enjoyed perfect weather (unlike their first day in pouring rain). This group of students and staff clearly and with continuity, demonstrated the hallmarks…
Turtle Bay Execs Climb High
We were honored to have executives from the Turtle Bay non-profit organization in Redding, California spend a morning with us playing on a few elements and familiarizing themselves with our operation in the hopes of potentially building a course in…
Adventure Risk Challenge at North Tahoe HS
Peter and I enjoyed working with ARC on their ongoing program with North Tahoe High School. Michelle Barker, the program teacher was a joy to work with as well as all the ARC staff. We know our Portable Leadership Program…
Downieville High School Scores Big with Project Discovery
We really enjoyed working with Downieville High School Students last week. Every student rose to the occasion with Middle-Schoolers working alongside High-Schoolers to solve progressively more difficult challenges. At the conclusion of the day all the students had a clearer…