Yesterday the dedicated men and women of the Washoe County School District Office of Accountability rocked it hard by bringing their staff out to learn how to climb and rappel. To say these office workers were out of their element would be an understatement. Heads were shaking “no way” when they first stood underneath the wall they were going to climb. Amazingly every able bodied man and woman in this crew did indeed climb and most topped out with a lot of support from their colleagues. The cheerleading, heartfelt support and encouragement demonstrated by this office was phenomenal. It seemed as if some of the timid and less confident members of the team were actually buoyed up that wall by team support alone. This team deserves the title “team” in every way, shape and form. As proof, the word “family” must have been used two dozen times to describe their office during our time together. This office should be the model for the entire school district. They are definitely one of the most effective teams we have ever had the pleasure of working with and we hope to see them back next year for another great adventure!
Mike and Jim