Rocks, Ropes & Boats Session One Recap – 2018

Day One

There was no doubt that it was summer today at the Project Discovery ropes course. Temperatures rose briefly in the morning, but an afternoon wind made it a comfortable day for our first Rocks, Ropes and Boats session of the summer. There were smiles aplenty with our ground games, especially with complicated but silly Pirate Game. Tell your child “Captain’s coming!” and see their response.

Two groups were formed, based on age, and each progressed toward the high elements. The message of the day – through good leadership, support and community building, we all achieve more, and faster and farther. We hope that our campers can use that through out the rest of the week. Here’s a selection of some our our better photos today. (There’s not as much time to catch photos on day one):

Day Two

It was another awesome day at the Project Discovery ropes course. Both groups were able to rapidly progress today, spending most of the day in the high climbing elements. We still had plenty of time for fun, games and making friends. Here’s the best of our photos for the day:

Day Three

It was a gorgeous day at Trippy Rock for some rock climbing and rappelling. Although Reno was sweltering, it stayed pleasant at Trippy until about 3 pm, and that’s when we started a water fight. 5 different climbs were set up, ranking from 5.5 to 5.10+. Some kids only did one or two climbs, then focused on relaxing and belaying. Other kids were driven and attempted every climb, or one climb as many as 5 times. After lunch we turned our focus to the 65 foot rappel on the front side of the rock. Our favorite part of the day is watching campers really struggle with the rappel on the first trip down, but then returning to the top of the rock for another trip with a big smile on their face. Here’s a selection of photos from Mark’s phone (waiting for Mike’s):

Day Four

Timing is everything! It was an awesome day for a hike on Mount Rose. Just as it started getting too hot, the clouds moved in, with just a few little pitter patters along the last mile of trail. By the time the last kid was picked up and we headed down the highway, it was a torrential downpour. Eight kids did the 11 mile summit hike with Mike, Noa and Colin. The rest enjoyed a more “leisurely” 9 mile hike to the falls and frog pond with Mark, Sam and N’aia. It’s a day we won’t forget! Here’s the pics:

Day Five

That’s a wrap on our first Rocks, Ropes and Boats session for the summer! We skirted the weather again today, with just a few rain drops falling on our final day at the beach. The boat races were the best ever, with the winning team stopping to refloat and repair their sunken boat three times to ensure a legitimate win. We’ll miss you campers! Here’s our last round of photos and then we’re going to rest up because camp starts again Monday.

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